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How to configure a Instreamer-Exstreamer audio connection within the same LAN

There are different ways to send analog (line-in) audio from a Barix Instreamer over the network to the Barix Exstreamer where your speakers could be connected.

Additionally to the modes mentioned below, you can send audio from the Instreamer or the Annuncicom to the Exstreamer´s “Priority Ports”, this works in all Exstreamer modes.

Below are shown configuration examples with the Streaming Client firmware and the Standard firmware for the Exstreamer. It´s recommended to use the Exstreamer Streaming Client firmware! First you always should assign fix IP addresses to each unit. DHCP is also possible but a fix IP has some advantages.

Delay / Latency

In the Exstreamer web setup on parameter “Start Threshold” (under Streaming) you can adjust the delay. The delay can be from below 200 ms up to serveral seconds, depending from the used audio bandwidth (Codec, frequency/quality) in the Instreamer and the audio buffer (Start Threshold) in the Exstreamer. A higher audio bandwidth fills the buffer faster and causes a lower delay.

Calculation example with a 128 kbit stream and a default buffer of 60000 byte:

128000 / 8 = 16000 bytes /s 60000 / 16000 = 3,75 s

The start delay is approx. 3,75 seconds plus network delay, which is almost nothing in a local LAN . In our test lab we have reached by using MP3 a lowest possible delay of 175 ms, lower delays (below 100 ms) are possible by using PCM or G.711 . A delay of 200 – 250 ms by using MP3 should run in the most stable LANs.

Using the Exstreamer Streaming Client firmware

This firmware is a special firmware which can run on all Exstreamer platforms. It´s a dedicated streaming application with enhanced monitoring features and stream backup feature ! This firmware is downloadable from (under downloads) .


Audio / “Bit Reservoir Mode” = kept empty
Streaming / “Stream to” = RTP : (Exstreamer´s IP): 4444

This works also with a Broadcast (e.g. or a Multicast (e.g. IP address !

Exstreamer Streaming Client:
1. URL  : = rtp://


Instreamer: (needs min. Firmware 2.06 !)
Audio / “Bit Reservoir Mode” = kept empty
Streaming / “Stream to” = BRTP : 5555

Note, this is only on the first “Stream to” entry available, not on the entries 2-8 !!! This opens a BRTP listen port where multiple Exstreamers can pull a stream from !

Exstreamer Streaming Client:
1. URL  : = brtp://Instreamer-IP:5555

Streaming / “Radio Path” = /xstream
Streaming / “Stream to” = Internet Radio : : 80

Both are default values. The default Port 0 together with “Internet Radio” in the “Stream to” line would mean also port 80.

Exstreamer Streaming Client:
1. URL = http://Instreamer-IP/xstream

If you have changed the port number on the Instreamer´s “Stream to” entry to anything else than 0 or 80 (e.g to 3333) then you have to use the following URL line : http://Instreamer-IP:3333/xstream

For more information please check our Instreamer-Exstreamer_Howto.pdf

Exstreamer standard firmware (already discontinued !)

With this Exstreamer firmware you can use RAW UDP , RAW TCP, HTTP or RTP. Our favorite mode is RTP streaming (more details in our RTP guide) !! RTP is UDP based which is the best for realtime streaming with lowest latency. RAW TCP is limited to max 8 connections, with HTTP the Instreamer allos maximum 6 connections at the same time. With UDP / RTP you can send the stream to max.8 Exstreamers directly or also as broadcast or to a multicast address to all Exstreamers in your network (could be 100 or more). Using broadcast or multicast addresses causes also a syncron playback on all Exstreamers if the same Buffer (UDP – Start Threshold) size is used.
NOTE, the Exstreamer standard firmware is obsolete, we recommend to use the Exstreamer Streaming Client firmware or the ABCL STL firmware !

Instreamer: (needs minimum Firmware 2.02)
Audio / “Bit Reservoir Mode” = kept empty
Streaming / “Stream to” = RTP : (Exstreamer´s IP): 4444

This works also with a Broadcast (e.g. or a Multicast (e.g. IP address !

Streaming / “Mode” = 4 Streaming Receiver
Streaming / “RTP Receive Port” = 4444


Instreamer :
Streaming / “Stream to” = RAW TCP  : (Exstreamer´s IP) : 2020

Streaming / “Mode” = 4 Streaming Receiver
Streaming / “TCP Streaming Listen Port” = 2020

The Instreamer could send the RAW TCP stream also to the Exstreamer`s “TCP Priority Streaming Listen Port”.

Note, don`t use two times the same port number one the same Exstreamer !


Instreamer :
Streaming / “Stream to” = RAW UDP  : (Exstreamer´s IP) : 3030

Streaming / “Mode” = 4 Streaming Receiver
Streaming / “UDP Streaming Listen Port” = 3030

The Instreamer could send the RAW UDP stream also to the Exstreamer`s “UDP Priority Streaming Listen Port”. Note, don`t use two times the same port number one the same Exstreamer !

HTTP Pulling

Streaming / “Radio Path” = /xstream
Streaming / “Stream to” = Internet Radio : : 80

Both are default values. The default Port 0 together with “Internet Radio” in the “Stream to” line would mean also port 80.

(with Streaming Client firmware)
Streaming / “URL x” = http://"ip address of the Instreamer"/xstream

(with Standard firmware)
Streaming / “Mode” = 3 Streaming Puller
Streaming / “Server IP address” = (IP of the Instreamer)
Streaming / “Server Port” = 80
Streaming / “Server Path” = /xstream

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