RetailPlayer Portal V3.3.0
Release Notes
This document describes the Change Log of the V3.3.0 of the RetailPlayer Portal
Release Date |
Change Log
New Features
- Refactoring Device List table and added support for the following new features:
- Quick filter devices by their connection status: ONLINE / OFFLINE
- Quick filter devices by their playback status: Main Stream / Fallback Stream / Failover Tracks
- Number indication on top of each quick filter to immediately see how many devices are in that condition
- Dynamic icons to indicate what a device is playing among: Priority URL, USB tracks, Main Stream, Fallback Stream, Failover Tracks, Events (Scheduled or Triggered)
- Search a device with nee criteria including custom tagging field to be applied in the device settings (Location and Notes)
- Refactoring Device area User Interface:
- New real-time control section
- New widget reporting everywhere the status of the device, the time, the playback volume and the playback status
- New Automation area grouping all the scheduling capabilities plus audio files triggering function
- New remote control QR Code section including counters and enable / disable flags to grant or remove access to a specific user
- Only for Barix Sysadmin: possibility to fetch device logs from the Portal, possibility to Reboot devices and to force device's re-connections
Changes / Improvements
- IMPROVEMENT: When deleting a device it is enough to click once on the bin icon. There is no confirmation (it is still possible to revert the change). Now the platform asks for a confirmation before deleting a device
Known Limitations
- When deleting a user it is enough to click once on the bin icon. There is no confirmation (it is still possible to revert the change). This may lead to undesired deletions.
- When assigning a user a permission to only create and handle QR Codes, the confirmation symbol that should be used to confirm the actions in the device tab is not visible. Hence the function doesn't work properly.
- When setting user's privileges if the ADMIN permission is flagged all other privileges are flagged automatically. On the Portal this indication is not clear and the user can still flag the roles individually.
- The Audio Files Scheduler selection box takes awhile to render if the schedule it represents contains an high number of triggers
- Audio Files upload in Failover tracks and in the audio files manager: filenames cannot have names with more than 50 characters
Date | Recipient / Environment | Software Package / Version |
| Made available in production portal. |