RetailPlayer Portal V3.0.0
Release Notes
This document describes the Change Log of the V3.0.0 of the RetailPlayer Portal
Release Date |
Change Log
New Features
The V3.0.0 of the RetailPlayer Portal includes some new major features:
- Premium*: Audio Files Manager: a new section on the Portal where to upload audio files (messages, announcements, information, customer's reminders etc.) belonging and to be used by the Organization where the files are uploaded into.
- Set the volume for each audio files uploaded in the Audio Files manager individually
- Premium*: Audio Files Scheduler: schedule the playback of an audio file uploaded in the audio files manager on a weekly schedule, with a resolution up to the minute. Multiple schedules can be created in an Organization, the desired scheduled can be assigned to a specific device from the Device tab (the player device must run FW V6.0.0 to support this function)
- Added PLAY FROM USB function in the device tab. When enabled this function allows the possibility to play mp3 audio files contained in a USB stick inserted in the RetailPlayer device.
- Added Knowledge Base link to online help documentation in the navigation sidebar of the Portal
- New "Active Resource" added to the Portal Status panel in the device tab indicating always which resource the device is playing among: PRIORITY (Priority URL configured in the RetailPlayer device), EVENTS (audio files scheduled), LOCAL USB (audio files played from a local USB stick), MAIN STREAM, FALLBACK STREAM, FAILOVER TRACK (files uploaded in the Portal Failover Track area).
*Premium functions will be part of RetailHero subscription plan. Currently free to use. Pricing and final availability will be published soon.
In addition:
- new API to communicate with portal with improved reliability and reporting of status
- Long stream names are now displayed correctly in the status panel fields
- Fixed wrong feature not supported indication for the ON/OFF scheduler when the device is running FW version equal to or above 5.2.0
- Fixed wrong feature not supported indication for the Streaming Channel Scheduler when the device is running FW version equal to or above 5.4.0
- QR Codes can be sent via email from the Portal again.
Known Limitations
- When deleting a channel, channel list, device, user it is enough to click once on the bin icon. This may lead to undesired deletions.
- When changing channel lists or assigning the device to a new ORG the settings are applied without the user to click on SAVE (confimation symbol in the right corner of the Portal)
- When changing channel lists or assigning the device to a new ORG the channel schedule is not persistent. The previous channel schedule is kept on the device until the user doesn't click on the SAVE button (confimation symbol in the right corner of the Portal) after the new channel lists or new ORG are set.
- When removing a Failover Track from a channel list, the track is not removed immediately after clicking save in the channel list tab, instead it is necessary to go into the device tab and perform an action from there, either mute / unmute, change a channel or simply click on the confirmation symbol, for the change to take effect and remove the track
- When assigning a user a permission to only create and handle QR Codes, the confirmation symbol that should be used to confirm the actions in the device tab is not visible. Hence the function doesn't work properly.
- When trying to upload Failover Tracks in the channel list area on an unstable or slow network the Portal might report a meaningless error message for the user when saving the new channel list. This is because the upload might not be finished yet. An easy indication on the upload status would be sufficient to inform the user on the status of the upload.
- When setting user's privileges if the ADMIN permission is flagged all other privileges are flagged automatically. On the Portal this indication is not clear and the user can still flag the roles individually.
- Failover Tracks can be uploaded in the Portal only one at a time
- When deleting a channel from the Portal, if this was part of one or more channel lists, this is not automatically deleted from that channel lists
Date | Recipient / Environment | Software Package / Version |
| Made available in production portal. |