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SIP Client firmware on Annuncicom

This page is as general information about the SIP Client firmware.

The SIP Client firmware can be used on the following products :

  • Exstreamer 1xx / 20x / 500 / 1000 / P5
  • Instreamer100 and Instreamer
  • Annuncicom 60 / 100 / 200 / 1000 / PS16 / PS1
  • IPAM100 / 102 / 300 / 302

The SIP application is written in BCL (Barix Control Language), source code and all development tools are contained in the firmware package.
So everybody can customize the application if needed, here you can find a video tutorial for that:

Latest SIP Client firmware you can find here.

The Barix SIP Client firmware is RFC compatible, but it has only a limited SIP Stack implemented, so not all SIP functions are supported,
so e.g. the Re-Invite and also the "Compact headers" are not supported. Please disable this function on the SIP server for the according SIP account used on the Barix device. 

The SIP Client application/firmware can make sense even in many none-SIP use cases.
The advantage here is the full-duplex audio (if hardware supports that) and the notification for a successful connection.

If a connection is not successful, then you get a "busy" or "dialing.." tone. 

The SIP Client supports even "Peer to Peer " mode, so it can also work without additional SIP server.

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