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Meaning of the Last Error codes on the Streaming Client

In the Status report of the Streaming Client firmware you can find the "Last Error".
Here is the full list of errors:
0 = "No Error"
1 = "DNS Resolution Problem"
2 = "No TCP Response"
4 = "No HTTP Response"
5 = "Invalid Response"
6 = "Missing Path"
7 = "Missing Port Number"
8 = "Missing Hostname"
9 = "Invalid Filetype"
10 = "Filesystem Error"
11 = "Connection Timed Out"
12 = "Invalid Protocol"
13 = "Too Many Dropouts"
14 = "Invalid Port"
15 = "URL Syntax Error"
16 = "Playlist Error");
18 = "Bad MMS Response"
19 = "Audio Format Not Supported"
20 = "HTTP Redirect Not Supported"
21 = "Too Many Redirects"
22 = "Wrong HTTP Redirect"
99 = "Internal Error"
400 = "HTTP Bad Request"
401 = "HTTP Unauthorized"
402 = "HTTP Payment Required"
403 = "HTTP Forbidden"
404 = "HTTP Not Found"
405 = "HTTP Method Not Allowed"
406 = "HTTP Not Acceptable"
407 = "HTTP Proxy Authentication Required"
408 = "HTTP Request Time Out"
409 = "HTTP Conflict"
410 = "HTTP Gone"
411 = "HTTP Length Required"
412 = "HTTP Precondition Failed"
413 = "HTTP Request Entity Too Large"
414 = "HTTP Request URL Too Large"
415 = "HTTP Unsupported Media Type"
500 = "HTTP Server Error"
501 = "HTTP Not Implemented"
502 = "HTTP Bad Gateway"
503 = "HTTP Out of Resources"
504 = "HTTP Gateway Time Out"
505 = "HTTP Version not supported"

There are error for the USB, for the playlists, for the network connectivity or for HTTP.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.