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Barionet Add Ons

Manuals for Barionet Extension devices

Link to Barix tutorials:

Barix Barionet - How to connect Barionet Extension units to the Barionet (video)

Barionet50 Introduction + create a BCL application (video)

General Barionet product introduction (video)

Barix Hands-on Training guide for Barionet50/100 (PDF)

Barionet100 Quick Install Guide

Barionet50 Quick Install Guide

BCL DEMO application inclusive source code:
(To use this DEMO applications load it via TFTP (Barionet100) or via advanced Webupdate (Barionet50) to “WEB4”
of your Barionet to overwrite the existing BCL application on the Barionet.
After installation check the online help in the APPLICATION SETUP to see how it works!)

Barionet Extension_addressing Tool V1.01
Short description: allows to connect & control up to 7 Extension devices (IO12, R6 and/or X8) to Barionet50/100

Barionet Extension Addressing Tool V1.01 without CRC check (faster)
Short description: allows to connect & control up to 7 Extension devices (IO12, R6 and/or X8) to Barionet50/100,
but without check sum check for faster loop time.

CGI_Output State V1.1
Short description: adds CGI command “/basic.cgi?state=xxx” to request IO state over CGI

Second SNMP Trap V1.02
Short description: add second SNMP trap for IO state change notification, e.g. for Informacast

IO_HTTP V1.01 (IO trigger for UDP-, TCP- ,HTTP- ,serial- and/or local commands)
Short description: universal communication tool, triggering free configurable messages (UDP, TCP, HTTP, serial RS232/485) via digital input activity,
additionally even local relay can be triggered. The version 1.01 adds a configurable termination character.

Barionet scheduler app without summer time change
Short description: BCL demo for scheduling

NTP example
Short description: BCL demo for scheduling via NTP

Pulse Relay
Short description: BCL demo adds commands to pulse the relays

Modbus-RTU Slave for Barionet
Short description: BCL demo to control the Barionet registers via Modbus RTU over serial

Barionet IO12 tunnel V1.02
Short description: two Barionets with connected IO12 devices can exchange IO information over network,
e.g. input signal of first IO12 input of Barionet A is controlling first output on the IO12 of Barionet B.

MBT Tool_V15

firmware loader for X8 and IO12, requires Barionet to update the firmware
Here you can find the instructions:

Barionet - X8 and IO12 - Firmware update.pdf

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